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The MC Phương Anh VTV comments on Euro: 'I have not found my love yet

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MC Phương Anh (born in 1998) used to be a Dance Sport athlete in Hanoi. During her competitive years, Phương Anh achieved many remarkable accomplishments. She won gold medals at the 2018 National Sports Festival; National Championship in 2017; and a silver medal at the ASEAN International Dancesport Open Championships 2018.

In recent days, she has stood out and made a mark on television with her professional hosting style and beautiful appearance.

In an interview with a reporter from Dân trí, Phương Anh shared for the first time about her career as an MC, her love life, and revealed her true self outside the spotlight.

MC Phương Anh (Photo: Facebook).

"I Love and Admire Ronaldo"

It is known that Phương Anh started as a Dance Sport athlete. What led you to the job of hosting sports programs?

- Since I was young, I had a passion for hosting programs. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Television Stations through programs such as S-Vietnam, Street Food (VTV3), The Tale of the Lambs, Land of Rainbows (VTV7), Entertainment Hour (VTC3)...

After that, I took a break from university for 3 years to focus on studying and competing. When everything settled, I still felt a strong passion for hosting programs and decided to return.

The first program I hosted was related to sports. I think this was fate, the job chose me.

What about your commentary on Euro 2024?

- Starting from sports news, I got to know more about senior colleagues, mentors in the field, and gained the trust to lead live commentary programs before V.League football matches.

I got acquainted with script editing and began to understand how to produce sports programs more professionally. This was a completely new field for me.

Perhaps this helped me gain enough confidence to take on the role of the Host in programs commentating alongside Euro 2024.

As one of the female MCs leading the commentary for Euro this year, how do you perceive this role - its meaning and challenges?

- There are definitely challenges because football, especially European football, is still a new area for me. There is a lot of knowledge to be acquired to be able to convey complete information to the audience, not just reading the script.

Furthermore, all programs are broadcast live, so there is absolutely no room for mistakes. I am quite perfectionistic and always strict with myself in my work, so pressure is inevitable. However, "new pressure creates diamonds" (laughs).

Therefore, the first thing I prepare for is confidence by continuously learning, updating a large amount of knowledge with lots of numbers, history about football teams, to be able to engage in the conversation while commentating with experienced commentators.

Only then can I evoke complete emotions for the audience. Next is preparing physically and mentally to be alert while on air.

Historically, male veteran sports commentators have dominated the role of leading the commentary for major world tournaments such as the Euro or World Cup. Are you ever worried or feel pressured about overcoming the shadow of your male predecessors?

- According to me, there is no pressure in "overcoming the shadow of male predecessors"; as a woman watching football, I would present a female perspective on football.

This is what will make each program distinctive and have its unique charm. Learning from the senior colleagues is something I have, am, and will continue to do to constantly improve my knowledge of football, how to do the job in general, and to perfect myself every day.

Have you received any feedback or criticism about your work since the start of the Euro season?

- I think in everything there will always be different opinions. However, I am confident because I always try to learn seriously in my work and show the best of myself.

Of course, there are still things to improve, and I always accept all feedback positively to be able to continuously improve and keep the fire burning in this job.

Which football team do you support at Euro this year?

- In this year's Euro, I have a special affection for Portugal because they have CR7 (Cristiano Ronaldo - Ed.).

I, like many others, admire Ronaldo not only on the field but also for his handsome appearance, extraordinary discipline, and many inspiring stories that CR7 brings.

Furthermore, he is someone who loves his mother very much, and this is something I really admire and love about Ronaldo. I hope this year, Ronaldo and Portugal will win the championship for the second time to complete an outstanding Euro campaign.

In recent days, you have been receiving more attention. Is there a funny story or an unforgettable memory about your fame that you can share?

- Actually, I feel like life and work are still the same, busy days, eating, sleeping, and sports.

Perhaps thanks to Euro, I have been staying up late more often. Apart from hosting commentary programs, watching football matches and discussing them on Facebook every night with friends and even people I don't know but share the same interests makes me very excited, it's also a way to relieve stress (laughs).

And it seems like I am starting to like football more.

The meticulous female MC on every broadcast (Photo: Facebook).

Don't see hosting as just a stroll

Have you ever had any mishaps in your hosting career?

- One memorable mishap was my first time hosting a live broadcast commentary on a V.League match on FPT Play. Back then, maybe the others were afraid that I, being a girl, would speak softly, so they kept reminding me to "speak loudly, the stadium is noisy, the audience can't hear well."

Who would have thought... when I went on air, the director had to say in my ear, "Let the MC lower her voice a bit, the volume is too loud" (laughs).

Which male MC impressed you the most while hosting the Euro in the past?

- Everyone has different perspectives and many things for me to learn from, but the ones who have had the most significant influence on me are BLV Quý Long, BLV Xuân Tín, and BLV Hoàng Anh Quân.

They are the predecessors who trusted me to lead live commentary programs and had the opportunity to be closely involved in the professional sports industry.

Do you idolize anyone at VTV?

- I always admire journalist Lại Văn Sâm. He has a wealth of knowledge but his way of conveying information is very approachable and always provides a lot of motivation for young people.

Do you prefer luxury brands? What is your opinion on luxury brands?

- I prioritize what suits me. There are items that are "expensive" but if I really like them, I'm willing to buy them. However, even if an item is affordable but fits me, I have no problem using it. The important thing is to give me confidence.

Everyone sees TV MCs as glamorous with carefully done makeup, high-end clothing. How about Phương Anh? Did you come from a wealthy family?

- I am quite meticulous and detail-oriented in every aspect of my work. Each time I appear on air, I always prepare to have the most presentable image. I think this demonstrates respect for the audience and self-respect.

Sensual and hot are not the styles Phương Anh aims for, right?

- Perhaps partly because I have spent a long time, 14-15 years, as a professional Dance Sport athlete, I feel quite comfortable in my dressing style and rarely "shy away."

However, in real life or when on air, I prefer a minimalist and relatively modest dressing style.

Do you have a penchant for luxury items? What is your stance on luxury brands?

- I have the opinion of prioritizing what suits me. There are items that are "expensive" but if I really like them, I'm willing to spend on them. However, if a budget-friendly item fits me well, I have no problem using it. The most important thing is to give me confidence.

Does Phương Anh consider herself a stereotype breaker?

- I do not embody the typical delicate, gentle girl type; I think I am quite strong, independent, and somewhat "manly" (laughs).

Thank you, Phương Anh, for the insights!

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