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Mother of 2 children' Nhã Phương: 3 years without eating rice, slim figure like her teenage years

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The life of actress Nha Phuong always receives the attention of a large number of viewers. After giving birth to her second child in October 2023, the actress devoted all her time to taking care of her family. In recent months, Truong Giang's wife has gradually returned to entertainment events, appearing in some shows and talk shows (Photo: Facebook).

"Mother of 2" Nha Phuong receives compliments from viewers for her charming beauty and attractive appearance. Despite having gone through 2 childbirths, the actress still has a slim figure and youthful face (Photo: Facebook).

Appearing at Midu's wedding on June 29, Nha Phuong scored with a radiant aura, confident in her beauty with many other beauties (Photo: Hai Long).

On her personal page, Nha Phuong often shares her habits of going to the gym, doing yoga, running, and mountain climbing. Every day, she spends at least 1 hour at the gym (Photo: Facebook).

The actress said she created discipline for herself, which is good for maintaining her figure, balancing her mental state, relieving negative emotions, and creating more positive energy (Photo: Facebook).

At less than 3 months postpartum, Nha Phuong drew attention when she regained a slim figure, firm abs, and lost about 15kg after giving birth. Responding to speculation of "cosmetic surgery" to have firm abs, the actress denied it. She affirmed that this is the result of a "harsh" training process along with perseverance (Photo: Facebook).

Nha Phuong's weight loss methods have also sparked a lot of debate on social media. In a livestream in May, Truong Giang also revealed his wife's weight loss secrets. The actor said Nha Phuong not only exercises rigorously but also follows a strict diet, not eating rice for the past 3 years (Photo: Facebook).

Earlier, Truong Giang also revealed that his wife has a strange way of eating fruits, only chewing and swallowing the juice, then spitting out the pulp to maintain her figure (Photo: Facebook).

In a talk show with MC Lieu Ha Trinh in June, Nha Phuong said at the age of 34, she feels satisfied with life when her family is healthy, happy, and loving towards each other (Photo: Facebook).

Speaking about sharing family photos on social media, Nha Phuong affirmed that she does not need to show off or prove anything because at present she knows she is happy for a reason (Photo: Facebook).

Since giving birth to her second child, Truong Giang has supported his wife a lot in taking care of the family. Despite the pressures and exhaustion of the role as a mother, Nha Phuong has found balance and peace of mind thanks to her husband's love and support (Facebook).

Although financially supported by her husband Truong Giang, Nha Phuong stated that she still earns her own money and does not rely entirely on her husband. "Currently, my husband takes care of the finances, but I still have to take care of my own expenses. I want to buy things I like without worrying about anything. When I am financially independent, I feel more confident," the actress expressed (Photo: Facebook).

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