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Vietnamese artist Bach Long hit by car at the age of 70, fractures facial bone, current health condition?

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Artist Bach Long had a motorbike accident, fell and hit his face on the road on July 6. According to the doctor's diagnosis, he had a fractured cheekbone, a broken jaw, and damage to the eye socket.

In an interview with the Dan Tri reporter on the afternoon of July 25, the male artist said that his health had recovered. However, he still continues to take the medication prescribed by the doctor to speed up bone healing. In early August, artist Bach Long will have a follow-up examination.

"In the past month, I have continued to perform normally. The doctor advised not to touch the face too much, so I only put makeup on half of my face when I go on stage. Despite being injured, I don't want to interrupt my work. I still make time to rehearse, perform, but pay more attention to my health," the artist said.

Bach Long has been riding a motorcycle to perform for over 10 years (Photo: Hai Long).

According to Bach Long, at the time of the accident, he was riding a motorbike to Ben Thanh Theater to perform in the play "The Adventures of Captain Sinbad: The Legend of the Eye of God" (part of the series of plays "Once upon a time"). When reaching Mac Dinh Chi street (district 1, Ho Chi Minh City), he was hit from behind, causing the motorcycle to fall and himself to hit his face on the road. The person who caused the accident then fled.

"At that time, I was in pain, lost all my spirit so I didn't know what to do. A moment later, someone came to help me to the sidewalk. I sat and rested for about half an hour, then tried to get on the bike and drive to the performance venue," Bach Long recounted.

The male artist revealed that he fell on July 6 but only went to the Orthopedic Trauma Hospital (District 5, Ho Chi Minh City) for examination on July 8, after feeling headaches.

The doctor informed Bach Long that he had a fractured cheekbone, eye socket, and jaw that required surgery. Hearing this, the male artist hesitated to undergo surgery because there was still a performance in the evening.

He said: "After consulting with a familiar doctor, I was told that surgery was not necessary. I just need to take medication to heal the bone and wait for further observation. When I heard that I didn't need surgery, I felt relieved."

Bach Long lives alone in a rented house (Photo: Hai Long).

After the motorbike accident, Bach Long encountered another minor incident. Specifically, while rehearsing, he accidentally missed a step and fell down the stairs. Fortunately, his face hit the student's leg, so it did not affect the old injury much.

"Although facing many unfortunate events, I still consider myself lucky because I don't have to undergo surgery. If I had surgery, I would have to be hospitalized for treatment, medical expenses, and living expenses are not insignificant," Bach Long confessed.

Currently, artist Bach Long lives alone in a rented house on Dao Duy Tu street (Phu Nhuan district, Ho Chi Minh City). The monthly rent is 5-6 million dong, which is relatively high compared to his current income.

At the age of over 70, the male artist is still dedicated to the arts. In addition to plays, he also diligently works at Dong Au - a place that nurtures his passion for traditional Vietnamese opera.

The small motorbike has been his companion for nearly a decade. According to the male artist, he used to ride a taller and bulkier motorcycle, but one day his leg hurt too much to kick-start the bike, so he decided to save up to buy a more fitting one.

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