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Comedian Tan Beo had a stroke, lost the ability to control his body and spoke English dangerously

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Recently, a video clip capturing the moment comedian Tan Beo was sitting down to eat at a specialized rehabilitation center treating stroke patients has attracted the attention of the audience.

In the clip, Tan Beo appeared thin and frail. While eating, the hands of the male comedian showed signs of trembling. This image was later widely shared on social media, causing fans to worry.

In fact, for over a year now, Tan Beo has almost not been seen in any entertainment activities or programs. His social media accounts have not been updated with new activities since the end of 2023.

Comedian Tan Beo (Photo: Facebook)

Sharing with the media on the afternoon of September 5, a representative of Tan Beo's family said that the male artist suffered a stroke from the middle of 2023. Thanks to being discovered in time, the 54-year-old artist survived the critical condition.

Currently, Tan Beo's health has improved. The male artist can walk and speak some simple sentences. However, Tan Beo's condition cannot determine the time for complete recovery. Currently, he has to undergo physical therapy in Ho Chi Minh City.

The family also revealed that because they did not want Tan Beo to appear frail in front of the public, his wife and children have kept his illness a secret for over a year.

Another source also confirmed to Dan Tri reporters that Tan Beo suffered a stroke from the middle of 2023.

Tan Beo before the health incident (Photo: Facebook)

In March 2023, comedian Tan Beo caused colleagues and audiences to worry when he had an accident slipping on the stairs at home.

Sharing with Dan Tri reporters at that time, the comedian revealed that the accident caused his back to hit the steps, causing serious injuries. The sudden incident also temporarily made him unconscious. After that, his children heard the sound of the impact and ran down to help him sit up and give him first aid.

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