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Chí Trung and Chiều Xuân face disciplinary action for premature love: Contrasting marital consequences

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NSƯT Chi Trung and NSƯT Chieu Xuan are two talented faces of the Vietnamese theater stage. Besides, their roles in TV series have left a lasting impression on the audience.

Apart from their careers, the personal lives of Chi Trung and Chieu Xuan are also of special interest to the audience. Both artists have a common point as they were once disciplined for early love affairs, but later had contrasting marriages.

NSƯT Chi Trung broke up with NSND Ngoc Huyen

Artist Chi Trung (born in 1961) is the son of artist Quy Duong and cellist Phung Thuy Lan.

Chi Trung is best known for his comedic roles. Especially his role as Tao Giao Thong for many years in the show "Tao Quan."

Chi Trung's comedic acting is very authentic. Sometimes, he delivers a line with a distinctive tone that is not exaggerated or ostentatious.

Whether it's a facial expression, a way of walking, or even shouting on stage, Chi Trung can make the audience laugh.

NSƯT Chi Trung is enjoying peaceful retirement days (Photo: Toan Vu).

Few know that Chi Trung used to hate art. When he was young, his family guided him to study violin.

But because he couldn't appreciate music, as an adult, Chi Trung decided not to take the college entrance exam and instead submitted an application to the Youth Theater to seek opportunities in the acting field.

Selected among over 2,000 applications, Chi Trung was highly praised by the teachers at the Youth Theater for his talent and eagerness to learn while training in a professional environment.

However, in 4 years of studying and working, Chi Trung was disciplined 3 times for early love affairs despite being a young actor with a good track record. The one who captivated Chi Trung was NSND Ngoc Huyen - the daughter of the famous Duong Tan photo studio owner in Hue in the 1980s, also his colleague.

Not only was Chi Trung reminded by the Youth Theater, but he was also restricted by his girlfriend's family for not being marriage material. It took 8 years of conquest before Chi Trung and Ngoc Huyen tied the knot.

However, in 2020, the couple Chi Trung - Ngoc Huyen broke up, surprising many people. Chi Trung openly admitted his mistakes, saying that he wasn't good enough to keep Ngoc Huyen by his side.

The male artist said that he has changed a lot since then. He has become more gentle and a better listener, completely different from the person who used to give orders, be strict, and domineering.

Chi Trung also acknowledged that his life has a passive aspect, namely, his past relationships with old flames.

"I have never said 'if only,' we should accept our fate, our fortune. Do not wish to go back to the past. If one door closes, another will open, we just have to calmly move on," Chi Trung bluntly stated.

"Sometimes I still feel sad about the past. Unpleasant memories may follow you for a lifetime. However, every sadness will eventually fade away. I feel content with everything," he told a reporter from Dan Tri newspaper.

Chi Trung with his girlfriend, Y Lan (Photo: Toan Vu).

Currently, Chi Trung is happy with his girlfriend Y Lan, who is 18 years younger. Chi Trung stated that he and his girlfriend are together through understanding, completing each other, and learning from mistakes in life.

"At this age, both Lan and I don't have many choices. We both lean towards each other and agree that we should live well, treat each other kindly, bring each other joy, and that's enough," the male artist said.

NSƯT Chieu Xuan has nearly 40 years of happiness with musician Do Hong Quan

NSƯT Chieu Xuan, born in 1967, is the daughter of stage director Duc Doc. She played roles in movies early on, becoming famous for her roles as Thuan in the film "My Mother-In-Law" (directed by Khai Hung), Na in "My Lover is Getting Married," Ngan Ha in "Hanoi 12 Days and Nights," Huong in "Neighbor," Mai in "Love Fish"...

With her charming beauty, natural acting, she is one of the leading beauties in the film industry.

While in her second year of university, Chieu Xuan received an invitation to act in the project "River of Desire."

At 57, artist Chieu Xuan still maintains her youthful appearance (Photo: Provided by the character).

During this time, she met Do Hong Quan - the son of composer Do Nhuan and a graduate with honors in composition and conducting at the prestigious Tchaikovsky Institute of Music (Russia) - when they were both studying in the film acting class.

After a short period of getting to know each other, Chieu Xuan and Do Hong Quan made a bold decision to ask their families to hold a wedding ceremony after only 6 months of being together.

Although they were approved by their families to get married, Chieu Xuan was disciplined by the school for early love and early marriage while still studying.

However, when sharing with Dan Tri reporters, Chieu Xuan said she never regretted her decisions in the past as she and Do Hong Quan were able to build a happy family together.

Chieu Xuan shared that being a daughter-in-law of composer Do Nhuan, she was treated as a daughter by her parents-in-law. She was carefree and playful to the point that she would sing while cooking, making her parents-in-law burst into laughter.

When asked, "What was your first impression of musician Do Hong Quan?", Chieu Xuan said, "What impressed me the most was that he was very... articulate. When we first met, I attended a music conference where he gave a speech.

I was surprised by his fluent and eloquent speaking, which captivated the audience and received accolades."

After nearly 40 years of marriage, what NSƯT Chieu Xuan has learned is a lesson about love and forgiveness that her husband and his family taught her.

Chieu Xuan recounted that there was a period when she was studying in France, people even "rumored" that she and musician Hong Quan were about to break up. Some even said that she had found new love in Paris.

However, when hearing those rumors, both she and Hong Quan just looked at each other and laughed because the rumors were just seasoning for their love, helping them understand each other better to overcome life's challenges.

The female artist shared that in nearly 40 years of living together, if she and her husband were only sweet, it wouldn't be true, to achieve happiness, the couple had to overcome many ups and downs.

"Every family is the same. Back then, I wanted to complete a task, but others didn't think the same as me, so I lost my temper irrationally. In the past, I used to get angry at my husband, but now, it's different, I'm old enough to know what is important to me.

As we age, we still love each other very much because we understand each other's value, respect each other from the time of marriage until now," the female artist confided.

NSƯT Chieu Xuan revealed that in a family where both the wife and husband are in the arts, the "ego" tends to be very large, so the woman must balance her time to "keep the fire" for the family.

"Outside, even though Quan is the boss, when he comes home, he is very gentle, happy with his wife and children, he even cooks food. He is a down-to-earth person, but at his core, he is a romantic, sincere person. Since studying abroad, or living with elders, he's still the same," she said.

The couple artists Chieu Xuan - Do Hong Quan (Photo: Provided by the character).

The female artist revealed that she is currently living a peaceful life with her family. Her eldest daughter Hong Mi got married, had children, and has a successful business. Her youngest daughter Hong Khanh is currently in college. She is happy that her children treat her as a friend, often talking and confiding in her.

During times when she's not working on a film, Chieu Xuan has a passion for photography. She has even gone on field trips to mountainous areas to capture beautiful photos, participating in some photography awards.

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