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The first 80-year-old contestant in the Miss Universe South Korea pageant

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It is known that Ms. Choi Soonhwa will turn 81 in October. She grew up during World War II and witnessed many historical events.

Choi Soonhwa (80 years old) registered to participate in the Miss Universe Korea 2024 pageant (Photo: Missosology).

Ms. Choi shared that her biggest dream is to become a fashion model even though she worked as a nurse when she was young. At 80, Ms. Choi is praised for still looking beautiful and energetic thanks to her self-care and regular exercise routine.

If she wins the Miss Universe Korea 2024 pageant, Ms. Choi will represent Korea at the Miss Universe 2024 pageant in Mexico in November, where she will compete against Miss Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen.

Regarding her reason for participating in the Miss Universe Korea 2024 pageant, Ms. Choi said that she desires to change stereotypes and barriers about age for women. At the same time, she wants to use her own story to encourage women around the world to courageously embrace big opportunities in life.

In the history of the Miss Universe Korea pageant, the contestant with the best performance at the Miss Universe pageant is the beautiful Honey Lee. She made it to the top 5 and was a prominent Asian contestant at the Miss Universe pageant in 2017.

In recent years, the performance of Korean representatives at the Miss Universe pageant has not been very promising. Compared to many Asian countries, the beauties of Korea at the Miss Universe pageant have not stood out.

Ms. Choi Soonhwa was once a nurse and has a strong passion for fashion (Photo: Harper's Bazaar).

Ms. Choi Soonhwa loves the job of a fashion model and has many impressive photoshoots (Photo: Instagram).

Ms. Choi Soonhwa participates in the Miss Universe Korea 2024 pageant with a desire to break barriers and spread positive energy to women around the world (Photo: Instagram).

The Miss Universe 2024 pageant has many older contestants participating

The Miss Universe pageant is currently considered one of the four prestigious and largest international beauty pageants in the world with a large number of high-quality and diverse contestants. Since the ownership of the Miss Universe pageant was transferred to Thai transgender businesswoman Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip at the end of 2021, the competition has undergone continuous transformative changes.

In 2022, the Miss Universe pageant organization established rules allowing contestants who have given birth, married, or have children to participate. In addition, they also welcome transgender contestants.

In the 2023 season, there were 2 transgender contestants and 2 women who had children representing their countries in the Miss Universe pageant. In the end, the representative from Colombia - a mother - made it to the top 5 overall, while the representative from Portugal - a transgender person - made it to the top 20.

Alejandra Rodríguez (60 years old) is the Miss Universe Argentina 2024 contestant (Photo: News).

Earlier this year, the Miss Universe Argentina 2024 pageant selected a 60-year-old woman named Alejandra Rodríguez as the winner, sparking controversy on beauty forums. Alejandra's victory generated controversy on beauty forums.

Many expressed support for Alejandra Rodríguez's victory, stating that the 60-year-old woman is completely deserving because of her beauty and high level of education.

Alejandra Rodríguez is introduced as a lawyer, journalist, animal rights activist, living a healthy and energetic life. Additionally, Alejandra Rodríguez also has a youthful appearance.

Many viewers believe that the presence of older women like Alejandra Rodríguez in beauty pageants like Miss Universe is a motivation for women of all ages to confidently shine and express themselves.

Beatrice Njoya (39 years old) is chosen as Miss Universe Malta 2024 and the representative of Malta at the Miss Universe 2024 pageant (Photo: Miss Universe).

In July, the Miss Universe Malta 2024 pageant organization selected Beatrice Njoya, a 39-year-old woman, as the representative of Malta at the upcoming Miss Universe 2024 competition. She became the oldest contestant in history to participate in the Miss Universe pageant.

Beatrice Njoya (39 years old) has 3 children. She entered the beauty industry at the age of 15 and reached the semi-finals of the Miss Cameroon pageant. At 18, she pursued a professional modeling career.

At the Miss Universe Malta 2024 pageant, Beatrice Njoya called on women not to let age determine what they can or cannot do in life.

Beatrice Njoya said: "When you reach a certain age, society tells you what to wear and how to behave. We must break down barriers with logical reasons. If something is your dream, you can still make time for it and be a good mother or wife. I am 39 years old and a mother of 3. But being a mother, getting married never prevents me from pursuing my dreams."

Beatrice Njoya's victory sparked mixed reactions on beauty forums. Many feel that Beatrice is too old to participate in beauty pageants. While other viewers support women like Beatrice and encourage everyone to recognize the beauty of older women in the beauty industry, which usually only honors young girls.

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