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'Going against the current of life': The hardships of being a shipper and its contemporary significance

AvatarTrung Khoa

River Reverse Life is a creation of the famous Chinese director Tu Tran. He is renowned for his multiple roles as a screenwriter, director, and actor.

Tu Tran is known as the "king of box office", behind major revenue-winning works such as: Lost in Thailand (2012), Lost in Hong Kong (2015), Dying to Survive (2018)...

"River Reverse Life" caused a sensation when it was released on Netflix earlier this year (Photo: iMDB).

The distinctive style of Tu Tran is infused into River Reverse Life, creating a cinema phenomenon at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. The film premiered to audiences in China in August 2024 and grossed $49 million at the domestic market.

The success of River Reverse Life is due to its intimate, engaging screenplay that vividly reflects contemporary life with meaningful messages about human emotions and resilience.

River Reverse Life revolves around the story of Cao Chi Luy - an experienced IT engineer in a large corporation in China who suddenly loses his job at the age of 45. Complications arise when his father suffers a stroke.

The medical expenses, house-buying loans, and daily expenses for his family of 5 become a heavy burden on Chi Luy. With no other choice, he has to accept working as a delivery person to earn a living amidst the current difficulties.

From a person who was happy with his family and satisfied with his career, at the age of almost 50 when people are stable and enjoying life, Chi Luy is forced to dive into the hardships of life, rolling with the job of a delivery person to make ends meet.

Compared to the income of an experienced IT professional before, the limited income as a delivery person is truly a nightmare for Chi Luy, leaving him feeling helpless and frustrated.

"River Reverse Life" truthfully reflects the hardships of the delivery profession (Photo: iMDB).

With a very realistic and engaging storytelling style, sometimes fast-paced like a chase scene in an action movie, director Tu Tran skillfully conveys a vivid picture of the delivery profession and its bitter aspects. Despite working hard from morning till midnight, Chi Luy only earns 4,000 CNY (nearly 14 million VND), far from his initial goal.

The story of Chi Luy is set in China but it becomes familiar, touching the hearts of many Asian viewers, including those in Vietnam.

Viewers can see the image of delivery persons in Chi Luy's story. If not delivery persons, they may see themselves in the role of customers, experiencing the feeling of waiting for and receiving goods in the age of booming e-commerce.

Above all, those who have faced the harsh wave of layoffs, the consequences of economic crises, can also see themselves in director Tu Tran's film. River Reverse Life does not portray a completely dark picture but offers a positive resolution, reminding viewers to never give up.

Family ties and empathy become a great strength to help us overcome difficulties (Photo: iMDB).

"When one door closes, another opens" is the message that the Chinese director wants to convey. Behind the dark picture of life, there is always a ray of hope and the warmth of family ties. These can be a great motivation for overcoming adversity.

On the journey to become a delivery person, Chi Luy faces many failures but this helps him change for the better. His rough appearance shifts to a positive spirit, the warmth of camaraderie. Chi Luy also learns to look with empathy at his colleagues and family.

Alongside the brilliant screenplay, Tu Tran's acting is a highlight of the film. He understands the character and the story he created, "acting as if not acting". All of Chi Luy's emotions are very genuine and natural.

River Reverse Life features a supporting cast like Tan Chi Loi, Vuong Kieu, Gia Bang... All of them deliver rounded performances, somewhat making the story more compelling, highlighting the relationships and social issues surrounding the main character.

A film that reflects current hot-button issues, along with intimate situations and an excellent cast, make River Reverse Life an easy choice for audiences to embrace. The film brings a sense of empathy and concludes with a positive message.

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