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Tom Cruise has been giving birthday gifts to his 'on-screen daughter' for 19 years

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Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise (61 years old) has been giving actress Dakota Fanning (30 years old) a pair of shoes on each of her birthdays since 2005. Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning played father and daughter in the movie War of the Worlds in 2005.

Recently, during a TV interview, Dakota enthusiastically shared about her good relationship with Tom Cruise.

Actress Dakota Fanning said she has had a good relationship with Tom Cruise for nearly 20 years (Photo: Daily Mail).

When Dakota was 11 years old in the movie War of the Worlds, she really wanted to have her own phone, especially the Motorola Razr.

Tom Cruise bought Dakota the phone she wanted. Additionally, Tom Cruise noticed Dakota's interest in shoes, and since then, regularly on each of Dakota's birthdays, he sends her a pair of shoes. This tradition has been maintained over the years.

Dakota said she has wonderful memories of Tom Cruise. Her sharing at this time has attracted much attention because Cruise's care for his "screen daughter" is so different from how he treats his biological daughter.

After Tom Cruise and his ex-wife, actress Katie Holmes, divorced, their daughter, Suri Cruise, lived with her mother and is believed to have no relationship with her father.

Tom Cruise fulfills his financial obligations to his biological daughter according to their divorce agreement, but he is not involved in Suri's life.

Actor Tom Cruise and child actress Dakota Fanning in "War of the Worlds" movie (Photo: Daily Mail).

Actor Tom Cruise was very affectionate with child actress Dakota Fanning during their acting and promotional campaigns for "War of the Worlds" movie (Photo: Daily Mail).

Suri turned 18 in April this year, meaning Tom Cruise can now stop the $400,000 USD (over 10 billion VND) annual support payment to Katie Holmes for raising their daughter.

After this, if Katie or Suri ever want Tom Cruise to support any expenses for education, healthcare, or extracurricular activities for Suri, they will have to contact Tom Cruise to propose it.

In their divorce agreement, Tom Cruise expressed goodwill and readiness to continue supporting these expenses after Suri turns 18.

However, according to a close anonymous source to actress Katie Holmes, the 45-year-old beauty and her daughter have no intention of contacting Tom Cruise for financial support anymore.

On the occasion of his daughter's 18th birthday, Tom Cruise remained silent, with no public statements or gestures to congratulate her on this important milestone.

Tom Cruise with his biological daughter Suri Cruise many years ago (Photo: Daily Mail).

Suri Cruise will graduate from high school this June (Photo: Daily Mail).

According to Hello Magazine, in May of this year, Suri appeared in a play called Head Over Heels put on by a theater group in New York. Suri had a minor role in the play. It is noteworthy that she used the name Suri Noelle.

Suri's birth mother's real name is Kate Noelle Holmes. Suri uses her mother's middle name as her last name when she participates in acting activities.

Not using her father or mother's last name when acting shows that Suri does not want to be known for having famous parents in the American showbiz industry.

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