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Artist Quoc Tuan: 'Bom knows how to dress fashionably and loves wearing new clothes

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Sharing with Dan Tri reporter, artist Quoc Tuan revealed that his son, Nguyen Anh Tuan (nicknamed Bom at home), has just graduated with honors in Jazz Piano from the National Academy of Music. Quoc Tuan shared that Bom scored 9.3 points in the graduation exam, being praised by the judges for his stable performance and good presentation. "Before the exam, Bom was nervous but not as tense as in the first semester. In the morning, Bom asked me to come to school with him, then he confidently went on stage to perform the prepared graduation piece that he had practiced before," Quoc Tuan said. The artist further shared that to reduce Bom's stress, he took him out to play and bought him new clothes. "Bom knows how to dress up and loves wearing new clothes. Whatever he likes, he wears continuously, washes and wears it again without wanting to wear anything else," he revealed. Quoc Tuan also mentioned that Bom has shown interest in the opposite sex. When asked, Bom did not say anything but his father noticed that he kept changing his avatar on Facebook. "I always say that my son should have a girlfriend. I teach him to love in a civilized manner, such as being caring and sharing with the opposite sex. I guide him to pay attention to every detail like clearing the dishes after meals, getting the tissue, pouring water for me. I teach him how to drive, fix electrical appliances in the house... Bom is not reluctant but he has a busy schedule with his studies so he doesn't have enough time to do everything," he recounted. The artist mentioned that he often tells his son, if you live selfishly, women will not like you. He shared: "I teach my son not to touch anyone on the train, to yield to women in the elevator so that in the future, he will have the reflex to be considerate of the opposite sex. I talk to my son like a friend so that when he faces any difficulties, he can confide and solve the problems together with me." When asked, "People often call you the 'national father', how do you feel about that?" Quoc Tuan confessed, "I feel ashamed because it's not really relevant. Anyone in my situation would have to strive for their child. If not, the child will be at a loss. I continue to teach my son that he must be independent because when I am old and gone, he must take care of his own life."

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