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Detective Văn Báu goes to the outskirts, recounting his tumultuous marriage with his wife

AvatarVăn Toàn

Actor Văn Báu (born in 1952) is a familiar face to Vietnamese audiences with his portrayal of an honest and upright police officer in the TV series "Cảnh sát hình sự" (Criminal Police).

In this series, Văn Báu plays the role of police officer Chu Văn Hòa with a straightforward and principled personality that has left a lasting impression on many viewers.

The success of the series also brought Văn Báu closer to his fans. Subsequently, he continued to be selected by directors for a series of roles as honest police officers and leaders in the law enforcement sector.

Additionally, the actor has appeared in many other films such as "Lời sám hối muộn màng, Làng cát, Trò chơi sinh tử, Bí mật những cuộc đời, Chạy án 1, Chạy án 2, Bí mật tam giác vàng"...

Actor Văn Báu still participates in filming if there is a good script. Recently, he took part in the casting for "Mật lệnh Hoa sữa" of Hanoi TV (Photo: Organizing Committee).

Speaking to a reporter from Dân trí, Actor Văn Báu shared that after 30 years in the industry, he has played many police officer roles to the extent that many people who meet him in real life think he is a real police officer.

"The series consists of 8 parts with 40 episodes, which have left me with many memories. Many viewers I meet in real life think I am a real police officer, with acting as a side job. When I explain, they exclaim and express their love. This is the priceless reward of an artist. I feel fortunate to be loved by everyone in this way," he said.

Retired now, Văn Báu still wants to contribute to the industry, but he is selective about scripts. When receiving a film script, he often requests not to play negative roles. He wishes to maintain his image.

"As a professional artist, I can play various roles. However, since movies are broadcast repeatedly on various channels, if in one channel I am a good person and in another channel I am deceitful and wicked, it's not ideal. I am accustomed to playing police officer roles, and playing a completely different role would be impactful.

Even at 72 years old, I still have a passion for the profession, and every time I talk about filming, I feel excited and nervous...", he expressed.

Actor Văn Báu lives in An Dương street (Hanoi), but currently, he has moved to Ba Vì. He mentioned that he used to use Facebook to connect with colleagues and friends, but some people would leave baseless negative comments on his personal page, so he decided to deactivate his account and stop using it.

At over 70 years old, the actor leads a peaceful life with his second wife, who is a poet. He shared that all his children are grown up and married, taking care of their parents, allowing the couple to be together.

"We have been living together for 12 years now. She is the poet Bàng Ái Thơ, we came together due to our resonating souls. Since we both belong to the arts field, we understand and love each other more," the actor revealed.

Văn Báu further disclosed that his wife used to complain about his extensive travel for acting roles, so he limited accepting time-consuming roles to dedicate time to his family.

His children are married and live in Ho Chi Minh City and the US, so it's just him and his wife living together. During holidays and Tet, the children bring their grandchildren to visit, which helps to alleviate the loneliness and longing for family.

Actor Văn Báu (right) remains dedicated to working if offered roles in films (Photo: Organizing Committee).

After retiring, Actor Văn Báu is quite busy as he is often invited to narrate documentaries and programs for various media outlets.

"I plan to establish a studio to broadcast quality programs to a larger audience. I am passionate about cultural and literary topics. Staring at phones and computers all day is very dangerous...", he shared.

In his free time, Văn Báu enjoys gardening, raising chickens, taking care of his family, and cooking. Despite having a spacious garden and planning to build a new house, the actor does not consider himself wealthy.

"I have enough for food and basic needs. It's difficult to get rich in the arts field...", he shared.

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